Contact Review: Barbie Luxury Brown Circle Lenses

Here I am, wearing the Barbie Luxury Brown contacts in the shade! Photo: Aoi

Hey there! ٩(。•ω•。)و

Want to know another pair of contacts that will work well on dark eyes? Don’t worry, Yoko here has you covered!!! ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧ So, I continued to bet my luck (& money!) on the internet pictures and reviews of other customers wearing circle lenses!  I needed a pair for my Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online) photoshoot, and so, I bought the Barbie Luxury Brown circle lens on Uniqso!

Contact Lenses: Barbie Luxury Brown

Price: $16.90 (At Uniqso)

Brand: Barbie

Diameter: 16.5 mm

Water Content: 38%

Base Curve: 8.6 mm

Life Span: 1 year disposal

Comfort: 10/10

Color Visibility: 8/10

Wearing the circle lenses in a well-lit area always bears better results.

I was scared, because well, I tend to always have bad luck with circle lenses! For every one good pair that shows color through my dark eyes, there always seem to be another pair that hardly shows any at all ٩(╬ŏ3ŏ)و

I’ve heard a couple of good things about the Barbie brand, but I didn’t have high expectations because different people have different opinions and different ways of seeing things.  While the given product picture of someone wearing the same contacts has the color appearing as bright honey-gold, I made a bet with myself that if I wore the same contacts, given my dark eyes, it would be at least a light shade of brown, and that was what I was striving for.

Asuna Yuuki.  Credit to Sword Art Online Wiki


To be honest though, the given product picture confused me at first, because it is titled as “Barbie Luxury Brown” but it shows as honey-gold on the person’s eyes… //scratches her head//

Nevertheless, when I wore the contacts throughout the 2-hour photo-shoot, they were comfortable and painless! Not only that, in my opinion, they were beautiful in person before I even put them on, and they were pretty vibrant while I was wearing them too.  I was, of course, really happy with how well the light brown color showed up in my eyes when I looked at a mirror or at the pictures that Aoi took! ✧✧

Anyway, for a pair of light-brown colored contacts, I would highly recommend these!! ✧

Final rating for the Barbie Luxury Brown circle lenses?


4 out of 5 hearts!

٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و  Hope this review helps!

·◌̊ˈ* Yoko °◌̊

Have any comments or suggestions? Let us know!